
National Scrapbooking Day

     May 3rd was national scrapbooking day and there was an event held on instragram by Big Picture Classes. Their goal was to get 10,000 scrapbook pages posted over the weekend. I contributed 5 pages but plan to add more since they decided to extend the event for the rest of the week! Im keeping my fingers crossed that I will win a prize!!!
   Scrapbooking is something I always had an interest in but never quite knew what I was doing. Once I discovered Hobby Lobby (hold on while day dream of their many aisles of stickers....okay) I was finally able to gather the supplies I needed (and really didnt need but wanted) and began scrapbooking. I still consider myself a beginner but I plan to sign up for some classes through Bigpictureclasses.com to help inspire some new techniques. Scrapbooking, and pinterest, really opened my eyes to crafting and using my creativity. I never considered myself artistic in any sense of the word but now that I've stopped being scared and started creating I am a much happier person. Paint and Party sessions are great too. They have shown me just how simple painting can really be and helped me to add painting to my list of hobbies. I truly believe everyone needs a creative outlet whether it be cooking, painting, photography, or pasting photos and stickers on paper.  GET OUT AND CREATE!

    I honestly cant wait to take more trips, have more experiences, and meet new people all in the name of creativity. =)

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