
Night Stand Decoupage

I bought this table at Target for like $20. Its just a pressed wood with metal legs. I decided to cover it with fabric to give it a unique look. 

What you need: fabric, decoupage, sandpaper. 

Step 1: lay out the fabric wrong side up (the back side) lay the table, top side down, and trace around the circle. Leave about 2in extra when cutting out the circle so you have enough fabric to fold under.
Step 2: cover the table top with a layer of decoupage and lay down the fabric.
Step 3: flatten it out and make sure to press out all the air bubbles. Then apply a layer of deco on top of the fabric. 
Step 4: after letting it dry about 15min sand down any bumps. Wipe off sand dust. Keep it smooth. Then apply another layer of deco.
Step 5: repeat sanding and another layer of deco until it looks how you want. I did 3 coats.

 Sand one last time and you are done!!!

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